
On this page you can find all changelogs of updates that were created & published.

Version (March 22th 2024)

  • Fixed an issue that prevented static camera offsets (i.e. crouch camera location offset) from being applied to the final camera location.

Version 1.5.5 (March 20th 2024)

  • Fixed an issue where Motion would cause a crash when a non-Motion character gets possessed during gameplay.

  • Fixed an issue where the character's feet would clip through the ground when crouching and uncrouching.

Version (March 13th 2024)

  • Improved collision detection for uncrouching.

  • Implemented custom movement component. (required by any character which parent class is AMotionCharacter)

  • Adjusted default crouch and uncrouch speed to match animations better.

Version (February 28th 2024)

  • Fixed data table for footsteps not being changeable via a variable.

Version 1.5.4 (February 15th 2024)

  • Fixed the uncrouch animation playing with a delay from camera movement.

  • Fixed ⁠CameraComponent not respecting "Override Aspect Ratio Axis Constraint".

  • Implemented input prevention when the player is running into a wall, to prevent the character capsule sliding across the wall.

  • Implemented animation stop when the player is running into a wall, to prevent unwanted animations playing.

  • Removed the GAS debug overlay being shown by default.

Version 1.5.3 (January 4th 2024)

  • Fixed Breathe Component not properly compiling in the version that is distributed through the marketplace.

  • Added missing implementation for custom abilities.

This will break existing MotionInputConfigs. You will need to re-create them!

  • Implemented Dash Ability Example.

  • Implemented Motion Player Controller.

You will need to change your GameMode to use MotionPlayerController (or a child of it) to be the Player Controller.

Version 1.5.2 (January 3rd 2024)

  • Fixed a bug where a crouch input would wrongfully apply the IsCrouching gameplay tag instead of the WantsToCrouch gameplay tag.

Version 1.5.1 (January 2nd 2024)

  • Fixed a bug where character blueprint that ships with Motion would T-Pose instead of using the default linked animation layer.

  • Fixed a bug where the Movement Sound Component was not properly detecting the floor the player is standing on.

  • Fixed a bug where the camera shake for walking would not properly apply.

  • Added a variable to the Motion Core Component that allows you to set an Animation Class which is being applied via Link Anim Class Layers.

Last updated